Contact Us

Phone numbers which you can call if you need any information related to the Public Enterprise „National Park Djerdap“

Public Enterprise
Djerdap National Park
st. Kralja Petra I No. 14a
19220 Donji Milanovac, Serbia



+381 (0)30 215 0070

General and Legal Affairs dept.

+381 (0)30 215 0071

Information, Presentation, Tourism and Geopark dept.

+381 (0)30 215 0089

Visitor center – Donji Milanovac

+381 (0)30 215 0088

Economic and Financial Affairs dept.

+381 (0)30 215 0074

Hunting and Fishing Improvement dept.

+381 (0)30 215 0075

Protection, Improvement, Promotion and Sustainable Development dept.

+381 (0)30 215 0076

Forest Management Planning sect.

+381 (0)30 215 0077 and +381 (0)30 215 0082

Commercial Plan and Analysis dept.

+381 (0)30 215 0084

Data Protection Officer

+381 (0)64 85 69 274