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The event was attended by presidents and representatives of ministries, local self-governments, the Zaječar Regional Chamber of Commerce, tourist organizations, public companies and institutions, as well as colleagues from protected areas, the Institute for Nature Protection of Serbia, faculties and other institutions, the Public Enterprise “Djerdap National Park” Donji Milanovac marked the Company Day.

Addressing the audience, the state secretary of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ivana Hadži Stošić, reminded that protected areas are the most valuable part of nature and that it is necessary to preserve and improve them.

Nature protection has three key goals and areas of action: preserving and improving the diversity of flora and fauna, preserving and improving the beauty and other characteristics of the landscape, and preserving and improving the value of geoheritage. We can achieve these goals and fulfill our task only if natural resources and space itself – as an urban-building category, are used in a sustainable and wise way, and the main factors of the environment are protected from pollution and destruction – said Ivana Hadži Stošić, emphasizing “that protected areas are the best places to show how capable we are of uniting and achieving the goals of protection and sustainable development”.

Acting CEO spoke about the activities carried out between the two Enterprise Days. director of PE “Djerdap National Park” Saša Janošević and president of the Supervisory Board Dr. Milija Bulatović. The ceremony was an opportunity to present the new publication “Insects of the Djerdap National Park” authored by Dr. Nikola Vesović and Professor Srećko Ćurčić from the Faculty of Biology in Belgrade, as well as the previous results of the telemetric monitoring of the lynx individual, which was returned to nature after recovery at the beginning of February this year.