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The joint tourist offer of the Lower Danube (Djerdap), presented at the recently concluded 44th International Tourism Fair in Belgrade, by the Tourist Organizations municipalities of the Golubac, Majdanpek, Kladovo and Negotin, Tourist areas the Golubac Fortress and Archeological museum Lepenski vir as well as the PE “Djerdap National Park” is of great interest to visitors. Lovers of nature, history and culture, hikers, pupils and students, representatives of tourist organizations from other regions of Serbia, artistic photographers and organizations dealing with marketing, advertising and promotion were most interested in driving on the Danube, as well as visiting natural and cultural sights in the Djerdap National Park, but also in the entire Lower Danube(Djerdap) region.

The tourist offer of the Lower Danube (Djerdap) region is presented in the joint brochure “Inspiration Danube”, through video materials and promotion materials of tourism actors in this part of Serbia. Winemakers from Negotinska Krajina who presented wines with geographical origin also contributed to the offers at the stand.

In order to popularize the tourist content of Lower Danube (Djerdap), municipal tourist organizations, Golubac Fortress, Lepenski Vir and PE “Djerdap National Park” organized a giveaway. Thanks to the vouchers won, the five winners will be able to get to know the tourist attractions of Lower Danube (Djerdap).

Better promotion of the tourist offer of Lower Danube (Djerdap) was discussed with the director of the Tourist Organization of Serbia, Marija Labović, and the fair days were an opportunity to discuss possible cooperation with tour operators, agencies, and business partners.