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Developing cooperation with the local community, with the aim of working together to come up with a model that will connect the population and the Djerdap National Park in a sustainable way, the manager of the largest national park in Serbia is involved in the cultural life of the community. This is how the International Guitar Festival “Zlatna Nota” was held this year in the congress hall of PE “Djerdap National Park” in Donji Milanovac.

This year’s 16th “Zlatna Nota” gathered over 60 students from primary and secondary music schools from Aleksinac, Niš, Zaječar, Negotin, Požarevac, Majdanpek, Donji Milanovac and Bor. The Grand Prix of the festival, according to the expert jury chaired by Boško Radojković, went to Dušan Rajić from Požarevac, Staša Todović from Bor was awarded the classical guitar, and Boris Milojević from Nis was awarded the electric guitar. Cups and diplomas were awarded to the most successful “Zlatna Nota” participants in all seven categories.

The organizers of the “Zlatna Nota” International Festival were the Association of Guitarists of Eastern Serbia and the Donji Milanovac Center for Culture and Education.