Lynx Rista is the first individual of Eurasian lynx which is marked with a GPS collar in Serbia. He was marked on February 3 and released into nature, after recovering in the ZOO Bor. In the past four months he traveled over 800 kilometers and croosed territories of 11 manicipalities.
Thanks to telemetry monitoring, it was established Rista had left the area of National park Djerdap that by the end of February and during March had crossed the territory of the mountains Homolje, Beljanica, Kučaj, Rtanj. His final destination was the Bukovik mountain.
At the beginning of april he started his return and almoust whole month he was in the area of Homolje and Beljanica mountains. In may he continued his journey in the north direction, he crossed territory of Crni Vrh mountain and for a few days he was back on area of National park Djerdap, which apparently is the most suitable for him.
Thanks to telemetric monitoring of Rista, the Faculty of Biology of the University of Belgrade and JP “National Park Đerdap” Donji Milanovac obtain very important information about the behavior of the species in nature, movement patterns and habits, as well as the size of the territory occupied by the individual.