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From July 19 to 23, 2023, a revalidation mission was carried out on the territory of the Djerdap UNESCO Global Geopark. This area received the important quality mark, “UNESCO Global Geopark”, in 2020 and is the first and, for now, the only UNESCO Global Geopark in Serbia. According to the rules for the UNESCO geoparks program, every four years the progress made by the geopark is checked. The revalidation mission was carried out by evaluators Aleksandru Andrasan from Romania and Ivan Cortijo Sánchez from Spain. During the mission, they spoke with various interested parties, but also learned about the connection between geology and people in this area, from prehistoric times to the present day. The final decision on whether this area will remain in the list of UNESCO geoparks will be made by the UNESCO Executive Committee in the spring of 2024.