The recovery of lynx species which had been injured on the Djerdap highway has been successful, and the lynx is ready to be returned into the wild. Based on the given permits from Ministry of Environmental Protection, the lynx will be marked and returned to its natural habitat, on the territory of Djerdap National Park on the 3rd of February. The lynx species will be wearing a GPS collar which will track its movement for a year, and the collected data will be used, among other, for determing the size of the territory of this particular species. This is the first lynx species in Serbia that will be tracked in such manner.
Lynx is an endangered wild species in Serbia and the territory of Djerdap National Park inhabits somewhere between ten and twelve species. One of the species that resides on the territory of the biggest national park in Serbia, a male between the age of 5 and 7, has been injured on the Djerdap highway in mid November of the last year. The expeditious and sufficient response of Djerdap National Park professional service, in a coordinated action with Ministry of Environmental Protection, the injured lynx was transported to The Bor Zoo in the interest of providing him the most appropriate veterinary assistance. Taking into consideration the fact that recovery of the animal has been successfully completed, the lynx will be returned into the wild.
The attendees of that event will be representatives of the following: Ministry of Environmental Protection, Enviroment Protection Institute of Serbia, Faculty of Biology University of Belgrade, and lastly Djerdap National Park Donji Milanovac.